31DC2016 · Nail Art · Nails

31DC2016Weekly 21: Inspired by a colour

So begins the final leg of the 31-day challenge, where each prompt is to draw inspiration from a different quarter. The first of these is “inspired by a colour”. For my colour, I chose my coral frankenpolish that is a beautiful, but strange shadeΒ β€” somewhere between coral, a warm rose-pink or red grapefruit. I took a picture in the sunlight to show the true colour as I see it:

I stamped on all but the ring finger using Sinful Colors in Gold Medal. For the accent nail, I used reverse/advanced stamping, which is rapidly becoming my favourite nail art technique! On this finger, I stamped using Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in White On, then filled in the shells using coral, gold and black (Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Black Out). Let me know what you think of this manicure! Here’s a close-up:

Coral Stamped Nails

If you would like to join in this weekly nail art challenge, post your pictures on your blog or other social media and tag the picture with the hashtag #31dc2016weekly. Check out my other looks for the weekly version of the 31-day challenge under the nail art tab [Nails β†’ Nail Art β†’ 31DC2016].

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