ABC Challenge · Nail Art · Nails

ABC Challenge: M is for Mechanics

Hello & welcome to another installment of the weekly Alphabet Challenge. I love anything steampunk, so I went with “M is for Mechanics”!

M is for Mechanics

For this look, I used my new Née Jolie stamping plate from the Born Pretty Store. It’s possibly one of my favourite plates so far, and has really fun images of different robots, circuits, gears, clocks, etc. I absolutely love the tiny details on this plate; something I had not quite noticed until I started stamping with it!

The nail polishes I used are Sally Hansen Insta Dri in Black on Black and Maybelline Color Show in Bold Gold. For the four fingers, I stamped using the gold polish on black, then applied a layer of my inky midnight blue jelly frankenpolish to get a steely effect, then stamped a second layer with the gold. On the thumb, I stamped with the black over the gold polish. Then, I drew a black triangular area over that, distressed the edges using a nail art brush, and then dry-brushed in gold over the black area. I finished off all the nails with a coat of matte top coat. Here is a close-up (click to see larger images):

Notice the squiggly hand of the clock on the thumb, and the dots on the last numeral for each hour? The gears have such tiny details too; just love this plate! [And, no, I’m not getting anything out of saying all this!]

Finally, a little bit of photo-editing fun. Doesn’t this look nice in black & white?

M is for Mechanics 4

If you like the stamping plate I used, feel free to check it out at the Born Pretty Store (linked above) and use my discount code ACJ10 to get 10% off on all original-priced items!

All the ABC Challenge posts will be available under the nail art tab [Nails → Nail Art → ABC Challenge].

Click on the blue button below to check out the beautiful work that other nail artists have done with the letter M for this challenge!

4 thoughts on “ABC Challenge: M is for Mechanics

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